1st semester, 2016/17

Michael W. Kirson (e-mail.)
Physics Building, Room 272 (in Benoziyo astrophysics wing)
by appointment.
Phone: 2067 (office); 6497 (home)
(both accept voicemail messages)
Written messages may be left in my mail slot, number 33,
next to the Secretariat of the Particle Physics and Astrophysics Department (room 231).

Michael W. Kirson (e-mail.)
Physics Building, Room 272 (in Benoziyo astrophysics wing)
by appointment.
Phone: 2067 (office); 6497 (home)
(both accept voicemail messages)
Written messages may be left in my mail slot, number 33,
next to the Secretariat of the Particle Physics and Astrophysics Department (room 231).
Course information
Lectures are planned to take place on Mondays, 11:15 to 13:00, and Thursdays 15:15 to 16:00, in Lecture Room A of the Physics Building. -
Weekly exercise sets will be posted here on Thursdays, due the following Thursday. The graded exercises will be returned the Thursday after that.
To get credit for the course, at least two-thirds of the exercises must be submitted. The average exercise grade will constitute one third of the course grade.
- Exercise due 17 November 2016.
- Exercise due 24 November 2016.
- Exercise due 22 December 2016.
- Exercise due 29 December 2016.
- Exercise due 29 December 2016.
- Exercise due 12 January 2017.
- Exercise due 19 January 2017.
- FINAL Exercise due 9 February 2017. HERE is the EXAM, 16 March 2017.
Lecture notes
I will continue to post my lecture notes on this page. This will include the material of the lectures, which will be posted as the course progresses, and occasional supplementary material.
All of these notes are private and they are not intended for distribution. I would appreciate being informed of any errors, whether typographical or substantial.
The syllabus of the course can be accessed here .
Last Update: 15 March, 2017
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