Department Molecular Cell Biology Weizmann Institute of Science

Laboratory of David Givol

Microarray Analysis of Primary and Secondary Target Genes of p53

Figures :

Venn Diagram

Venn diagram of the number of genes that were regulated by p53 in the presence and absence of CHX.
(A) Only genes that showed at least 2.5 fold up or (B) down-regulation in at least 3 of the time points in each experiment i.e. with or without CHX, were listed in this analysis. Note that only 38 of the up-regulated and 24 of the down-regulated genes were unaffected by CHX.


Clustering results using super-paramagnetic clustering (SPC) for the 259 genes that were upregulated in three time points or more upon activation of p53 in the experiment without cycloheximide (CHX).
(A) The dendrogram of the genes. Each cluster is represented by a box colored according to the percent of primary target genes (41 genes) contained in the cluster. (B) The normalized log ratio of the nine experiments are plotted.

Tables :

Table 1 :  Primary Target Genes Up Regulated by p53

Table 2 :  Primary Target Genes Down Regulated by p53

Supplementary Data :

Table 3 :  Primary Target Genes Regulated by p53

Table 4 :  Secondary Target Genes Regulated by p53

Table 5 :  Genes Clustering with Primary Target Genes of p53

Research Interests


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Weizmann Institute of Science
Department Molecular Cell Biology
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