SDSS J1152+0248: the sixth known eclipsing double white dwarf
Looking at Kepler K2 data we discovered an eclipsing double WD, SDSS J1152+0248, only the sixth known at the time. With an orbital period of 2.4 hours, it consists of two WDs with masses of about 0.4 M☉, making it a future verification source for LISA (Korol et al. 2017).
For further reading:
- N. Hallakoun, D. Maoz, M. Kilic, T. Mazeh, A. Gianninas, E. Agol, K. J. Bell, S. Bloemen, W. R. Brown, J. Debes, S. Faigler, I. Kull, T. Kupfer, A. Loeb, B. M. Morris, and F. Mullally "SDSS J1152+0248: an eclipsing double white dwarf from the Kepler K2 campaign" 2016, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 458, 845