See my new website at
See my Scholarpedia MIB article here.
See old Motion Induced Blindness (MIB) site here.
Research Interests:
Autism (perception, attention, speech)
Incoluntary eye movements (microsaccades,
drift, eye blinks).
Behavioral disorders and their rehabilitation using "neural
retraining" techniques.
Amblyopia, Neglect, Dyslexia, Aging
Sensory disturbances in autism and SMD.
Perceptual awareness: Visual Disappearance, Binocular rivalry, Motion induced
Visual spatial integration, Contrast detection and discrimination.
Visual evoked potentials.
Ph.D. Brain Research, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 1998
MSc. Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University, 1992
BSc. Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University, 1981.
Try my MEDLINE list for abstracts.
Names include an active link to the abstract, when
Harris H, Israeli D, Minshew N, Bonneh Y, Heeger
DJ, Behrmann M, Sagi D, Response: Commentary: Perceptual learning in
autism: over-specificity and possible remedies, Front Integr Neurosci. 2016
Nov 9;10:36.
Meital-Kfir N, Bonneh
YS, Sagi D, Asymmetric visual interactions across the boundary of
awareness, Journal of Vision, 2016; 1;16(10):4
Harris H, Israeli D, Minshew N, Bonneh Y, Heeger
DJ, Behrmann M, Sagi D, Perceptual
learning in autism: over-specificity and possible remedies,
Nature Neuroscience, 2015; Nov;18(11):1574-6
Adini Y, Bonneh
YS, Komm S, Deutsch L and Israeli D. The time
course and characteristics of procedural learning in schizophrenia patients and
healthy individuals. Front. Hum. Neurosci., 2015, 9:475
6. Hochstein, S., Pavlovskaya, M., Bonneh, Y. S., & Soroker, N., Global statistics are not neglected. Journal of Vision, 2015; 15(4):7, 1-17
7. Bonneh YS, Adini Y, Polat U, Contrast sensitivity revealed by microsaccades, Journal of Vision, 2015; 15(9):11, 1-12
8. Kloosterman NA, Meindertsma T, van Loon AM, Lamme VA, Bonneh YS, Donner TH, Pupil size tracks perceptual content and surprise, Eur J Neurosci., 2015; 41:8, pp. 1068-78
9. Pavlovskaya M, Soroker N, Bonneh Y, Hochstein S, Computing an Average when Part of the Population is not Perceived, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2015; 27:7, pp. 1397-1411
10. Ahissar E, Arieli A, Fried M , Bonneh
Y, On the possible roles
of microsaccades and drifts in visual perception, Vision Research, Dec 2014
11. Mazor-Karsenty T, Parush S, Bonneh YS, Shalev L, Comparing the executive attention of adult females with ADHD to that of females with sensory modulation disorder (SMD) under aversive and non-aversive auditory conditions, Res Dev Disabil, 2014, Nov 20;37C:17-30
12. Bonneh YS, Donner TH, Cooperman A, Heeger D, Sagi D, Motion-induced blindness and Troxler fading: common and different mechanisms., PLoS One, 2014; Mar 21;9(3)
13. Fried M, Tsitsiashvili
E, Bonneh YS, Sterkin A, Wygnanski-Jaffe T, Epstein T, Polat U, ADHD
subjects fail to suppress eye blinks and microsaccades while anticipating
visual stimuli but recover with medication. Vision Research,
14. Lev M, Gilaie-Dotan S, Gotthilf-Nezri D, Yehezkel O, Brooks J, Perry A, Bentin S, Bonneh Y, Polat U. Training-induced recovery of low-level vision followed by mid-level perceptual improvements in developmental object and face agnosia. Developmental Science, 2014, Apr 4
15. Donner TH, Sagi D, Bonneh
YS, Heeger D, Retinotopic patterns of correlated fluctuations in visual
cortex reflect the dynamics of spontaneous perceptual suppression., Journal
of Neuroscience, 2013; 33(5) 2188-98.
16. Bonneh YS, Levanon Y, Dean-pardo O, Lossos L, Adini Y, Abnormal speech spectrum and increased pitch variability in young autistic children, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2011, 4:237
17. Bonneh YS,
Donner TH, Sagi D, Fried M, Cooperman A, Heeger DJ,
Arieli A,
Motion-induced blindness and microsaccades: cause and effect, Journal of Vision, 2010;10(14):22.
18. Meirovithz E, Ayzenshtat
I, Bonneh YS, Itzhack R, Werner-Reiss U, Population Response to Contextual Influences in the
Primary Visual Cortex, Cerebral Cortex. 2010 Jun; 20(6):1293-1304
19. Sterkin A, Yehezkel O, Bonneh YS, Norcia A,
Polat U., Backward masking suppresses collinear
facilitation in the visual cortex. Vision Research, 2009 Apr 19, 1784-1794
20. Censor N ,Bonneh YS, Arieli A, Sagi D.,
Early-vision brain responses which predict human visual segmentation and
learning, Journal of Vision, 2009; 9(4):12, 1-9
21. Belmonte MK, Bonneh YS, Adini Y,
Iversen PE, Akshoomoff NA, Kenet T, Moore CI, Simon HJ, Houde JF, Merzenich MM, Autism overflows with syntheses.. Neuropsychology Review 2009 Jun;19(2):273-274.
22. Gilaie-Dotan S, Perry A, Bonneh YS,
Malach R, Bentin S,
Seeing with profoundly deactivated mid-level visual areas: Non-hierarchical
functioning in the human visual cortex, Cerebral Cortex
2009 Jul;19(7):1687-703.
Bonneh YS,
Belmonte MK, Pei F, Iversen PE, Kenet T, Akshoomoff N, Adini Y, Simon HJ, Moore
CI, Houde JF, Merzenich MM., Cross-modal extinction in a boy with
severely autistic behavior and high verbal intelligence, Cognitive
Neuropsychology 2008 Jul;25(5):635-52.
24. Bonneh YS, Sagi D,
Gorea A, Soroker N, Treger
J, Pavlovskaya M, When they
see, they see it almost right: Normal subjective experience of detected stimuli
in spatial neglect, Neuroscience Letters.
2008 Nov 28;446(1):51-55.
25. Donner TH, Sagi D, Bonneh YS, Heeger D, Opposite neural signatures of motion-induced blindness in human dorsal and ventral visual cortex, Journal of Neuroscience, 2008;28 10298-10310.
26. Cheadle S, Bauer F, Parton A, Muller
H, Bonneh YS, Usher M, Spatial structure affects temporal
judgments: evidence for a synchrony binding code, Journal of Vision,
2008; 8(7):12, 1-12 .
27. Sterkin A, Yehezkel O, Bonneh YS, Norcia A,
Polat U., Multi-component correlate for lateral collinear
interaction in the human visual cortex as revealed by visual evoked potentials.
Vision Research, 2008 Jul;48(15):1641-1647.
28. Bonneh YS, Sagi D, Polat U. Spatial and temporal crowding in amblyopia
Vision Research. 2007, , Jun;47(14):1950-1962
29. Pavlovskaya M, Soroker N, Bonneh Y. Extinction
is not a natural consequence of unilateral spatial neglect: evidence from
contrast detection experiments,
Neuroscience Letters, 2007, 15;420(3):240-244
30. Caettaa
F., Gorea S and Bonneh YS Sensory And Decisional Factors In
Motion-Induced Blindness, Journal of Vision
2007, 7(7):4, 1-12
31. Aviezer H, Landau AN,
Robertson LC, Peterson MA, Soroker N, Sacher Y, Bonneh Y, Bentin S. Implicit integration in a
case of integrative visual agnosia,.
Neuropsychologia. 2007, May 15;45(9):2066-2077
32. Norcia AM, Pei F, Bonneh Y, Hou
C, Sampath V, Pettet MW. Development of sensitivity to texture and
contour information in the human infant.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2005 Apr;17(4):569-579.
33. Norcia AM, McKee SP, Bonneh Y, Pettet MW. Suppression of monocular visual direction
under fused binocular stimulation: evoked potential measurements.
Journal of Vision, 2005 Jan 27;5(1):34-44.
34. Polat U, Bonneh Y, Ma-Naim
T, Belkin M, Sagi D. Spatial
interactions in amblyopia: effects of stimulus parameters and amblyopia type. Vision Research,
2005 May;45(11):1471-1479
35. Bonneh YS, Sagi D, Polat U. Local and non-local deficits in amblyopia: acuity and spatial interactions., Vision Research, 2004 Dec;44(27):3099-3110
36. Bonneh YS, Pavlovskaya M, Ring H, Soroker N. Abnormal binocular rivalry in unilateral neglect: evidence for a non-spatial mechanism of extinction. Neuroreport 2004, Mar; 15(3):473-477.
37. Bonneh YS, Cooperman A, Sagi D.
Motion induced blindness in normal observers.
Nature. 2001 Jun
14; 411(6839) 798-801
38. Popple, AV, Polat U, Bonneh Y. Collinear effects on 3-Gabor alignment as a
function of spacing, orientation and detectability. Spatial Vision. 2001 Jun;14(2):139-150.
39. Bonneh Y, Sagi D, Karni A.
A transition between eye and object rivalry determined by stimulus coherence. Vision Research,
2001 Apr;41(8):981-989.
40. Polat U, Bonneh Y. Collinear
interactions and contour integration.
Spatial Vision 2000;13(4):393-401.
41. Bonneh Y, Sagi D .Contrast
integration across space.
Vision Research. 1999 Aug;39(16):2597-2602.
42. Bonneh Y, Sagi D.
Configuration saliency revealed in short duration binocular rivalry. Vision Research.
1999 Jan;39(2):271-281
43. Usher M, Bonneh Y,
Sagi D, Herrmann M. Mechanisms for spatial integration in
visual detection: a model based on lateral interactions. Spatial Vision.
44. Bonneh Y, Sagi D .Effects
of spatial configuration on contrast detection.
Vision Research, 1998 Nov;38(22):3541-3553.
45. Bonneh Y, Reisfeld D, Yeshurun Y. Quantification of local
symmetry: application to texture discrimination. Spatial Vision. 1994;8(4):515-530.
Whenever possible, there is an active link to the abstract itself in the web site of the conference or the associated journal.
1. Bonneh YS, Marciano H, Kimchi R, Gal E (2017) Visual detection and decoding of aerial photographs in adults with ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), ACCEPTED.
2. Katz-Nave G, Adini Y, Hetzroni O, Bonneh Y. (2016) Vestibular Stimulation Improves Skill Learning in Minimally Verbal Children with ASD: A Comparative Study with ADHD and Typical Controls. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR)
3. Yablonski M., Bonneh Y, Polat U, Ben-Shachar M. (2016) Morphological structure revealed by microsaccades. Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL)
4. Sacher Y,
Bonneh Y, Doron R, Fried M, Kadosh O, Lev M,
Sterkin A, Polat U, (2016),Unilateral Blindsight
Following Traumatic Brain Injury: a Case Report,
Rehab Science & technology Update
Pavlovskaya M, Bonneh Y, Hochstein S, Soroker N, (2016) Occasional awareness of a tree with no forest: Deriving
PPC perceptual role from a simultanagnosia case study,
[Abstract]. Journal of Vision
6. Bonneh YS, Polat U, Adini Y (2016) The buildup of temporal anticipation revealed by microsaccades and eye-blinks, [Abstract]. Journal of Vision
7. Bonneh YS, Fried M, Adini Y (2015) Blinking by surprise: Eye-blink rate and latency uncover stimulus predictability, [Abstract]. Journal of Vision
8. Katz-Nave1 G, Adini Y, Hetzroni O, Bonneh Y. (2015) Skill Learning in Young Minimally-Verbal Children with Autism and the Effect of Vestibular Stimulation. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR)
9. Fried M., Sterkin A, Bonneh Y, Polat U (2014) The time course of ocular parameters in ADHD during a continuous performance task (CPT) and the effect of medication [Abstract] Israeli Society for Neuroscience meeting proceedingsJournal of Molecular Neuroscience
10. Pavlovskaya M, Hochstein S, Soroker N, Bonneh Y (2014), Occasional awareness of trees with never a forest in Balint simultanagnosia, ECVP, Belgrade
11. Bonneh YS, Fried M.,Arieli A, Polat U (2014) Microsaccades and drift are similarly modulated by stimulus contrast and anticipation, [Abstract]. Journal of Vision
12. Harris H, Gupta A, Minshew N, Bonneh Y, Heeger
DJ, Sagi D, Behrmann M (2014), Over-specific perceptual learning in ASD, [VSS Abstract]. Journal of Vision, Vol.14, 699
13. Bonneh YS. Giron J, Segal M, Friedman D. (2013) Brain Computer Interface (BCI) As a Potential Tool for Characterizing the Cognition of Non-Verbal Individuals with Autism.. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR)
14. Bonneh Y, Pavlovskaya M, Hochstein S, Soroker N (2013) Occasional access of some trees to conscious awareness with no vision of the forest - Insight on PPC contribution to perception from a case study of simultanagnosia [Abstract] Israeli Society for Neuroscience proceedings in Journal of Molecular Neuroscience
15. Bonneh YS, Adini Y,. Sagi D, Tsodyks M, Fried M.,Arieli A (2013) Microsaccade latency uncovers stimulus predictability: Faster and longer inhibition for unpredicted stimuli, [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, Vol.13, 1342
16. Bonneh YS, Adini Y,. Sagi D, Tsodyks M, Fried M.,Arieli A (2012) An oculomotor trace of implicit perceptual predictions, [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 12(9): 1114
Bonneh YS,
Adini Y,. Fried M.,Arieli A (2011)
An oculomotor trace of cognitive engagement, [Abstract]. Vision Science Society
(to appear in Journal of Vision).
18. Bonneh YS. Romani S, Adini Y, Tsodyks M. (2011) Synaptic Causes for Autistic Regression: A Neural Network Model. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR)
19. Pavlovskaya M, Bonneh Y, Soroker N, Hochstein S. (2011), Neglect field objects are included in
statistical property reports of patients with unilateral spatial neglect, ECVP, Perception Abstract.
20. Bonneh YS. Levanon Y, Dean-Pardo O, Lossos L. (2010) Increased pitch variability in young autistic children. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR)
21. Pavlovskaya M, Bonneh Y, Soroker N, Hochstein S. (2010), Processing visual scene statistical properties in patients with unilateral spatial neglect.[Abstract] Journal of Vision, 10(7): 280.
22. Yehezkel O, Sterkin A, Bonneh YS, Polat U., (2010) Faster periphery and slower fovea for coherent perception. [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 10(7): 1381.
23. Bonneh YS, Dean-Pardo O, Houde J. (2009) Treating speech impairments in autism with delayed and rewarding feedback: Preliminary investigation, International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR)
24. Bonneh YS, Sagi D, Heeger D. Fried M.,Arieli A (2009) Motion-induced blindness and microsaccades: cause or effect?, [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 9(8):289, 289a
25. Bonneh YS, Adini Y, Tsodyks M, (2008) Synaptic causes for hyper perception in autism: A model-driven approach, International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR)
26. Donner TH, Sagi D, Bonneh YS, Heeger D, (2008) Distinct neural signatures of motion-induced blindness in human visual cortex, [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 8(6):538, 538a.
27. Bauer F, Cheadle S, Parton A, Muller H J, Bonneh Y, Usher M, (2008), Spatial structure affects temporal discrimination, Perception 37 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 163
28. Bonneh YS, Popple A, Howitt D, Adini Y. (2007) Why do they suddenly cover their ears? Investigation of a case of ASD who reports intermittent auditory visual and crossmodal hyper states. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR)
29. Adini Y, Bonneh YS. Levanon Y, Dean-Pardo O, Lossos L. (2007) Abnormal speech spectrum in young autistic children. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR)
30. Bonneh YS, Cooperman A., Sagi D (2007). Induced reappearance of invisible stimuli in motion induced blindness: uncovering interactions across the awareness boundary [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 7(9):1010, 1010a.
31. Censor N, Bonneh Y, Sagi D. (2007). Electrophysiological correlates of performance and learning in the backward-masked texture-discrimination task [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 7(9):795, 795a
32. Meirovithz E, Bonneh Y, Werner-Reiss U, Ayzenshtat I, Saban G, Slovin H. (2007) Voltage-sensitive dye imaging of collinear patterns in the visual cortex of a behaving monkey. [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 7(9):75, 75a
33. Yehezkel O, Sterkin A, Bonneh YS, Norcia A, Polat U., (2007) Spatio-temporal tradeoff in neural processing of backward masking as revealed by visual evoked potentials. [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 7(9):599, 599a.
34. Sterkin A, Yehezkel O, Bonneh YS, Norcia A, Polat U., (2007) Multi-component correlate for lateral collinear interaction in the human visual cortex as revealed by Visual Evoked Potentials [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 7(9):598, 598a.
35. Pavlovskaya M, Soroker N, Bonneh Y. (2007), Contrast-detection experiments shed new light on the relationship between extinction and neglect following right-hemisphere damage, Perception 36, ECVP Abstract Supplement
36. Bonneh, Y., Polat U., Tsodyks M. (2006). Why do we see binocular rivalry: evidence from people who see it fused [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 6(6):42, 42a.
37. Pavlovskaya M, Bonneh Y, Gorea A, Sagi D, Soroker N (2005), When they see, they see it right: normal perceived contrast in unilateral spatial neglect, [abstract] Society for Neuroscience.
38. Bonneh YS, Adini Y, Yoran-Hegesh R, Sagi D (2005) A Failure of Cue Based Perception in Asperger's Syndrome. In: International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR).
39. Bonneh, Y., Sagi D., Cooperman, A. (2005). Learning to ignore: Practice can increase disappearance in motion induced blindness [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 5(8):223, 223a
40. Sagi D., Judelman A., Bonneh, Y.. (2005). Contrast detection thresholds of gabor strings: Configuration dependency [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 5(8):223, 223a.
41. Tanaka Y, Nogai S, Munetsuna S, Bonneh Y (2005), Improvement of visual contrast sensitivity by auditory cueing signals [Abstract] Perception 34 ECVP Abstract Supplement
42. Landau AN, Aviezer H, Robertson LC., Peterson MA, Soroker N, Sacher Y, Bonneh Y, Bentin S. (2005) Implicit Object Recognition in Visual Integrative Agnosia: Patient SE [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 5(8):289, 289a.
43. Ben-Shalom D, Bonneh Y (2005), Superior and not so superior visual search in autism: a case study [Abstract] Israeli Society for Neuroscience meeting
44. Bonneh, YS, Polat, U, Sagi, D. (2004). Spatial and temporal crowding in amblyopia [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 4(8), 761a
Bonneh Y, Pei F, Iverson P, Merzenich MM
(2003). Cross-modal
extinction in autism: a case report. [Abstract]
Perception 32 ECVP Abstract Supplement
46. Bonneh, Y., & Cooperman, A. (2003). Motion induced blindness is affected by head-centered and object-centered mechanisms [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 3(9), 221a
47. Polat, U., Bonneh, Y.,
& Sagi, D. (2003). Lateral interactions and
crowding in amblyopia [Abstract]. Journal of Vision,3(9):342,
Y., Pavlovskaya, M., & Soroker, N. (2002). Slow binocular rivalry in hemispatial neglect [Abstract]. Journal of Vision,
2(7), 278a
49. Pei, F., Bonneh, Y., Sampath, V., Hou, C., & Norcia, A. M. (2002). Texture detection in infants [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 2(10), 88a
50. Polat, Bonneh Y, Ma-Naim T, Sagi D (2002) Isotropic Contrast Summation Across Space In Amblyopia, Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision Science (ARVO) 43: E-Abstract 3938.
51. Bonneh Y, Polat U, Sagi D (2002) Inter-ocular Lateral Interactions Are Both Excitatory And Inhibitory, Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision Science (ARVO) 43: E-Abstract 4720.
52. Ma-Naim T, Polat U, Bonneh Y, Sagi D (2002), Normal Contrast Summation Between Eyes In Amblyopia, Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision Science (ARVO) 43: E-Abstract 3936.
53. Pei F, Bonneh Y, Sampath V, Hou C, Norcia AM, (2002), Development Of Visual Integration Of Local Features Into Uniform Textures, Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision Science (ARVO) 43: E-Abstract 3994.
54. McKee SP, Bonneh Y, Norcia AM (2002),
Binocular Disparity Suppresses the Monocular VEP Response to Vernier Targets, Investigative
Ophthalmology & Vision Science (ARVO) 43: E-Abstract
55. Bonneh Y, Gepshtein S, (2001). Rivalry between alternative percepts of motion occurs within objects [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 1(3), 382a
56. Pavlovskaya M, Bonneh Y, Soroker N, Sagi D, Ring H, (2001) Perceptual Switching in Patients with Attention Deficit. Society for Neuroscience Abstract.
57. Bonneh Y, Merzenich MM (2000) Rapid and Focused Attention Develops as a Visual Skill through Reading. Cognitive Neuroscience Society [Abstract].
58. Bonneh Y, Cooperman A, Sagi D. (2000) Perception with Little Awareness: The Winning Group Takes All. , Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision Science (ARVO) abstract.
59. Bonneh Y, Cooperman A, Sagi D. (1999) Loss of local pattern visibility in global shape perception, Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision Science (ARVO), abstract.
60. Karni A, Bonneh Y, Manor D, Kushnir T, (1999) What V1 Sees in Textures - An fMRI Investigation of the Representation of Orientation Gradients in Visual Cortex. Fifth International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain.
61. Bonneh Y, Karni A, Sagi D. (1998) Object and eye competition in binocular rivalry: Perceptual ambiguity resolved at different levels. Society for Neuroscience Abstract.
Bonneh Y., Sagi D. (1998) Contrast integration across
space, Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (ARVO), Supplement
63. Bonneh Y., Sagi D. (1997) Configuration saliency revealed by dichoptic masking, Perception 26 ECVP Abstract Supplement.
64. Bonneh Y, Sagi D (1996) Effects of spatial configuration on contrast detection, Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision Science. (ARVO)
65. Bonneh Y, Reisfeld D, Yeshurun, Y. (1993) Texture discrimination by local generalized symmetry, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICVP), abstract.