Yossi Nir
Biographical Information
Academic Background
Graduate Students
Zoltan Ligeti (1994)
Yuval Grossman (1996)
Galit Eyal (2000)
Sven Bergmann (2001)
Gilad Perez (2003)
Guy Raz (2006)
Tomer Volansky
Guy Engelhard
Research Interests
LHC physics
Particle cosmology (leptogenesis, baryogenesis...)
Flavor and CP violation
Phenomenology of supersymmetric theories
Neutrino masses
Astroparticle Physics II (1995)
Quantum Mechanics II (1996, 1997)
Elementary Particles II (1998,2000,2002)
Particle Cosmology (2001,2003,2004)
Conferences and Workshops
6th Recontres du Vietnam (Hanoi, Vietnam, August
6-12, 2006), invited lecture on leptogenesis
LNF summer institute (Frascati,
Italy, July 2-15, 2006), invited talk on neutrino flavor
Quarks 2006(St. Petersburg, May 19-25, 2006), invited talk
on B phsycis
Workshop on Flavor in the Era of the LHC
(CERN, November 7-10, 2005), invited talk on B physics
Les Houches summer school on Particle physics beyond the SM
(Les Houhces, France, August 1-26, 2005), organizing committee and
lectures on B physics and CP violation
Symposium on Highlights of B-factories
(Krakow, Poland, June 27-29, 2005), invited talk on B physics
IFT mini-workshop on Neutrino physics
(Madrid, Spain, May 18-20, 2005), discussion leader on leptogenesis
3rd CERN-CLAF School of High Energy Physics
(Malargue, Argentina, February 27- March 12, 2005),
three lectures on CP violation and flavor physics
5th Recontres du Vietnam
(Hanoi, Vietnam, August 5-11, 2004), lecture on CP violation
Academic Training Programme at CERN
(CERN, March 22-26, 2004), five lectures on Neutrinos
VIII Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP8)
(IIT, Bombay, India, January 5-16, 2004), lecture on CP violation
III Workshop of the RTN on ``The Third Generation as a Probe of
New Physics"
(Barcelona, Spain, December 18-20, 2003), lecture on B physics
Aspen Workshop on The Flavor Puzzles: Data Confronting Theory
(Aspen, Colorado, USA, July 20 - August 10, 2003), Co-Organizer
International School on AstroParticle Physics (ISAPP 2003)
(Conca Specchiulla, Otranto, Italy, June 15-21, 2003), Lecture Series on
Neutrinos in Particle Physics
Ringberg Phenomenology Workshop on Heavy Flavors
(Ringberg Castle, Germany, April 27 - May 2, 2003), Plenary Lecture on
CP Violation
The 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2002)
(Amsterdam, July 24-31, 2002), Plenary Lecture on
CP Violation: The CKM Matrix and New Physics
Mini-workshop on time variations in alpha (WIS, March 3, 2002),
The Fifth KEK Topical Conference - Frontiers in Flavor Physics
(KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, November 20-22, 2001), Plenary Lecture on
Beyond SM and Future B Factories
The 55th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics - Heavy Flavor Physics
(St. Andrews, Scotland, August 7-23, 2001), Co-Directorship and series of
lectures on CP violation
UK Theory Winter Meeting (Rutherford Laboratory, England,
December 18-20, 2000), Plenary Lecture on CP Violation
DESY Theory Workshop on CP Violation and Rare Processes (Hamburg, Germany,
September 26-29, 2000), Plenary Lecture on CP Violation
III Latin American Symposium on High Energy Physics (Cartagena,
Colombia, April 2-8, 2000), Plenary Lecture on CP Violation
Nuclear and Particle Physics Summer School (Sydney, Australia,
February 7-11, 2000), Lectures on CP Violation
Workshop on B Physics at the Tevatron Run II and Beyond (1999),
Convener for WG on CP Violation
XXVII SLAC Summer Institute on Particle Physics (SLAC,
Stanford, California, U.S.A., July 7-16, 1999), Lectures on
CP Violation In and Beyond the Standard Model
1999 ICTP Summer School in Particle Physics (Trieste,
Italy, June 21 - 26, 1999), Lectures on CP Violation
The First Particle Physics Winter School (KIAS, Seoul, Korea,
22 - 26 February, 1999), Lectures on B and CP within and beyond the SM
European School of Physics (St. Andrews, Scotland,
23 August - 5 September 1998),
Lectures on Flavour Physics and CP Violation
Cargese School on Flavor and Gauge Hierarchies (21 July - 1 August 1998),
Lectures on Theory of CP Violation
Workshop on Theory of LHC Processes (9 - 13 February 1998),
Invited Talk on B Physics in the Post B-Factories Era
EPS 97 (19-26 August 1997), `Convener of (theory) conveners'
LP 97 (28 July - 1 August 1997), Plenary Talk on Theory of CP Violation
Mini-Workshop on Dynamical Supersymmetry
Breaking (13-20 April 1997),
BaBar Workshops (1997), Convener for
WG9 (Unitarity Triangle)
Recent Publications
the phase of Bs mixing (Y. Grossman, YN, G. Raz),
importance of flavor in leptogenesis (E. Nardi, YN, J. Racker, E. Roulet), JHEP
0601, 164 (2006) [hep-ph/0601084].
Solving flavor puzzles with quiver gauge theories (Y. Antebi, YN, T. Volansky),
Phys. Rev. D73, 075009 (2006) hep-ph/0512211.
On Higgs and sphaleron effects in the leptogenesis era (with E. Nardi, J. Racker and E. Roulet),
SU(3) relations and the CP asymmetry in B to K_S K_S K_S (with G. Engelhard and G. Raz),
The pattern of CP asymmetries in b to s transitions (with G. Buchalla, T. G. Hiller and G. Raz),
New Ways to Soft Leptogenesis (with Y. Grossman, T. Kashti and
E. Roulet),
The importance of being Majorana: Neutrinos versus charged fermions in
flavor models (with Y. Shadmi),
Baryogenesis from the Kobayashi-Maskawa phase (with M. Berkooz and
T. Volansky),
Comment on extracting alpha from B -> rho rho (with A. Falk,
Z. Ligeti and H. Quinn),
Leptogenesis from Supersymmetry Breaking (with Y. Grossman, T. Kashti and
E. Roulet),
SU(3) relations and CP asymmetries (with Y. Grossman, Z. Ligeti and H. Quinn),
Time variations in the scale of grand unification (with
M. Dine, G. Raz and T. Volansky),
CP Violation - The CKM Matrix and New Physics,
Product groups, discrete symmetries, and grand unification (with
M. Dine, and Y. Shadmi),
Quark squark alignment revisited (with G. Raz),
New physics and future B factories (with Z. Ligeti),
Developments in neutrino physics (with M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia),
Prof. Yossi Nir Dept. of Particle Physics Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot 76100 Israel Tel. +972-8-934-3887 FAX +972-8-934-4106 email:yosef.nir@weizmann.ac.il