import telescope.*
help PTF.coo2field

% Note that the size of the seeing disk in this example is (D/r0)*OverSamp:
% 100 terms
J = (1:1:100);
% Telescope aperture: 100 cm, Fried length: 5 cm.
D=100; r0=5;
pcolor(log10(Image)), shading interp; axis square, colorbar
[Flux,Counts],[100 300000],[],696000e5,10)
telescope.obs.daily_observability('Wise',[27 8 2001],[18 0 0],[1 67 0 0]);
telescope.obs.yearly_observability(2001,[10 0 0 -1 20 0 0],'Wise',2,2.5);
Undefined variable "telescope" or class "telescope.mlx".