The SIM/subtract_proper method
in the Astronomy & Astrophysics package for MATLAB
The SIM/subtract_proper method is an image subtraction function based on the Zackay, Ofek & Gal-Yam (2016) algorithm (hereafter ZOGY). The function works with SIM objects, and can perform most of the required pre-processing, including source extraction, flux matching and registration. The function can be used for transient detection and flux measurments in the difference image.
If you are using this code or products in your scientific publication please give a reference to Ofek (2014; ascl.soft 07005) and Zackay, Ofek & Gal-Yam (2016).
Unless specified otherwise this code and products are released under the GNU general public license version 3.
See for installation instruction and additional documentation.
Introduction to ZOGY
Transient detection and flux measurement via image subtraction stand at the base of time domain astronomy. Due to the varying seeing conditions, the image subtraction process is non-trivial, and previous solutions suffer from a variety of problems. In Zackay, Ofek & Gal-Yam (2016), starting from basic statistical principles, we develop the optimal statistic for transient detection, flux measurement, and any image-difference hypothesis testing. We derive a closed-form statistic that: (1) is mathematically proven to be the optimal transient detection statistic in the limit of background-dominated noise, (2) is numerically stable, (3) for accurately registered, adequately sampled images, does not leave subtraction or deconvolution artifacts, (4) allows automatic transient detection to the theoretical sensitivity limit by providing credible detection significance, (5) has uncorrelated white noise, (6) is a sufficient statistic for any further statistical test on the difference image, and, in particular, allows us to distinguish particle hits and other image artifacts from real transients, (7) is symmetric to the exchange of the new and reference images, (8) is at least an order of magnitude faster to compute than some popular methods, and (9) is straightforward to implement. Furthermore, we present extensions of this method that make it resilient to registration errors, color-refraction errors, and any noise source that can be modeled. In addition, we show that the optimal way to prepare a reference image is the proper image coaddition presented in Zackay & Ofek (2016).
Older version
An older version of the SIM/subtract_proper method is available in AstroIm.imsub_fft. However, this version is not supported.
General notes and tips about image subtraction
The SIM/subtract_proper can subtract two registered images. The first step is to read images into SIM objects:
S1 = FITS.read2sim('PTF_20141122*100037_c02.fits');
In this specific example, S1 now contain two images. Next we would like to extract sources, estimate the PSF.
S1 = gain_correct(S1);
S1 = mextractor(S1);
S1 now contains, for each image, its background image, noise image, source catalog and PSF. For example, you can plot the PSF of the first image:
Next we can regsiter the images
[AS1,FitTran] = align(S1,S1(2));
Note that by default the SIM/align method uses the 'AlignMethod' equal 'wcsCoo'. In some cases you may like to use a different option (see help SIM/align for more options).
To verify that the images are registered you can display them using ds9 and blink them
ds9(AS1); % read the two images into ds9
Note that by default (unless specified otherwise), SIM/align will set the value of non-overlapping pixels to NaN, and in this case the image subtraction will fail. In order to mitigate this you can replace this NaN values by the mean background level (e.g., using SIM/replace_with_noise), or trim the images.
AS1=trim_image(AS1,[11 1000 11 1000]);
Next, we can estimate the relative zero point (or flux matching) between the two images:
Finally, we can subtract the two images:
Note that SIM/subtract_proper has many options including the ability to perform many of the pre-processing steps. However, for clarity we gave a step by step example. In this example, the 'FluxMatch' keyword value contains the flux matching between the two images, and the 'SigmaX' and 'SigmaY' contain the registration error in pixels.
The output:
Summary: A structure array containing the following fields:
- Beta: The flux matching parameter
- FD: The flux normalization for the D image (Equation 15 in ZOGY).
- F_S: The flux normalization for the S image (Equation 42 in ZOGY). The flux of the transients in units of the zero point of the reference image is given by dividing S at the position of the transient local maxima by F_S (i.e., Equation 41 in ZOGY).
- SigmaFlux: Flux error matrix for each pixel in the image (Equation 43 in ZOGY). This does not include source noise or astrometric noise.
D: A SIM object containing the proper subtraction image (Equation 13 in ZOGY). The PSF (Equation 14 in ZOGY) is stored in D.PSF. This is useful in order to look for cosmic rays in images.
S: The transient detection statistics not corrected for source noise and astrometric noise (Equation 12 in ZOGY). This is useful in order to measure flux of transients.
Scorr: The transient detection statistics corrected for source noise and astrometric noise (Equation 25 in ZOGY). This is useful in order to search for transients.
SigmaF: like SigmaFlux.