The mextractor function
in the astronomy & astrophysics toolbox for MATLAB
The mextractor function is a method in the SIM class that enable source finding and measurment in astronomical images. The function uses matched filter to locate sources and perform variery of measurments, including aperture and PSF photometry. The function can automaticaly find the image PSF for matched filter, and perform a careful background subtraction which is critical for many purposes.
This file is accessible through the manual package (i.e. manual.mextractor).
If you are using this code or products in your scientific publication please give a reference to Ofek (2014; ascl.soft 07005).
Unless specified otherwise this code and products are released under the GNU general public license version 3.
See for installation instruction and additional documentation.
Reduction steps
mextractor is a flexible code to find, extract and measure sources in astronomical images. mextractor can run on a single or multiple images, and can find sources and or measure user supplied list of sources. mextractor is part of the SIM class and uses the information available within the SIM object, and if some information does not exist, mextractor will generate this information and store it in the SIM object. For example, if the SIM object contains the background and PSF, this information will be used by mextractor, and if it does not exist, mextractor will generate this information.
The user can control the behavior of mextractor via a large number of keywords and full list of the keywords is available by typing:
help mextractor
% or
doc mextractor
mextractor perform (optionally) the following steps:
gain correction - correct the images gain to 1. This is performed using the gain_correct method.
PSF extraction - In order to extract the PSF, mextractor call itself to find the brightest sources and use them to generate the PSF. By default, this is done using the psf_cat_selector and psf_estimator methods.
Mask generation - mextractor propogate and add bit masks to the MASK object associated with the SIM image.
Background and noise estimation - Estimate the background and noise images using the background method, and subtract the background from the image. The background estimation is a critical step for source detection. Any small bias in the background estimation may lead to the detection of false sources, or missing real sources. The default method for background and noise estimation (the 'mode_fit' option in the background function) is to fit a Gaussian to the histogram of counts.
Filter the image - The source detection is done via matched filter. However, mextractor can perform cross-correlation with several filters. For example, the stellar PSF as well as some exdended PSFs for galaxies identification. This allows the user to find both faint stars and galaxies in a single mextractor call.
Measurments - mextractor performs a wide range of measurments on the detected sources. This include, positional information, moments, flag propogation, aperture photometry, PSF photometry, contour photometry, S/N measurments, WCS information, neighbour searches, as well as time-position dependent parameters like, airmass, and parallactic angle, azimuth and altitude. See help for complete list of parameters.
Source flagging - mextractor can remove and/or flag problematic sources. For example, it allows to locate sources on top of diffraction spikes, cosmic rays (via Hypothesis testing), sources in location of background with strong gradients, and more.
Simple use
mextractor is a method of the SIM class, and therefore it works on SIM objects. The first stage is to read an image(s) into a SIM container. This is done using functions in the FITS static class:
S(1) % display the content of the first element in the SIM object
The variable S is a SIM array of one ore more images. In this example, only the Im, Header and WCS fields is populated.
Next, we can run mextractor, with the same output as input:
After running mextractor, several other fields in S are populated. Specifically, the BackIm field contains the background image, the ErrIm field contains the background noise image, the PSF field contains the image point spread function, and Cat contains the catalog of sources detected and measured by mextractor.
For example, the PSF is stored in the PSF field and it can be displayed using:
The following command will display the first 10 lines in the catalog:
The catalog column names are stored as a cell array in:
or as a structure array in:
To display the image with the positions of the extracted sources.
We can manipulate and plot columns of the catalog. For example, to display the detection S/N vs. PSF magnitude:
Col = S(1).Col;
As expected the S/N is larger for bright stars. However, at the top of the diagram, there are several outliers (with S/N>6000 and Mag>10). You can choose this sources and plot their position on the image:
Col = S(1).Col;
Flag = S(1).Cat(:,Col.MAG_PSF)>10 & S(1).Cat(:,Col.SN)>6000;
ds9.plot( S(1).Cat(Flag,[Col.XWIN_IMAGE, Col.YWIN_IMAGE]),'bs')
Now, the nature of these sources is clear - these are saturated objects.
Input parameters
You can change the settings/input parameters of mextractor either uby adding a pairs of keyword,value pairs:
A complete list of keywords is available in the help of mextractor.
Alternatively you can use the InArg.epar command to edit the arguments and save them as your default parameters:
Control the output catalog columns
The ColCell input argument controls the mextractor catalog output colums. For example, to produce a catalog with only two columns, the X and Y positions:
List of catalog output columns (source attributes)
A list of all possible output columns (source attributes) are listed below. Some attributes may have indexed multiple entries (marked by [_#]). Examples, are aperture photometry in multiple apertures.
- NUMBER - Source index. Note that if the output is sorted (i.e., 'SortOut' input argument) then this number does not corresponds to the entry number.
- ISFORCE - A logical flag (0 | 1) indicating if the source was found by filtering and thresholding (0) or it is the result of a forced measurments in coordinates provided by the user (1).
- XPEAK_IMAGE - The X position of the source peak pixel (whole pixel).
- YPEAK_IMAGE - The Y position of the source peak pixel (whole pixel).
- XWIN_IMAGE - X position derived from weighted first moment (pix).
- YWIN_IMAGE - Y position derived from weighted first moment (pix).
- X2WIN_IMAGE - X^2 central weighted moment (pix).
- Y2WIN_IMAGE - Y^2 central weighted moment (pix).
- XYWIN_IMAGE - X*Y central weighted moment (pix).
- A - Semi major axis as calculated from the weighted second moments (pix).
- B - Semi minor axis as calculated from the weighted second moments (pix).
- THETA - Ellipse orientation (deg).
- ELONGATION - Ellipse elongation (A/B)
- ELLIPTICITY - Ellipse ellipticity (1-B/A).
- SN - S/N for detection for the primary PSF.
- SN_UNF - S/N for detection without filtering (i.e., equivalent to filtering with a delta function).
- SN_ADD[_#] - S/N for detection for all the additional (secondary) filters.
- AZ
Measurements in forced positions
mextractor can both find sources, and/or use a user a list of "forced position" supplied by the user.
The following input arguments are relevant for forced position and measurments:
- ForcePos - Allow the use to supply a list (e.g., two column matrix of [X,Y] positions, or an AstCat object) in which to perform forced measurments. Default is an empty matrix.
- ForceCatCol - If the ForcePos argument is an AstCat object, then you can use this parameter to specify from which columns to obtain the X and Y coordinates. Default is {'XWIN_IMAGE','YWIN_IMAGE'}.
- OnlyForce - You can specify if to do only forced measurements, or to both extract sources and perform forced measurements. Default is false.
- WinPosFromForce - Specify if to use the ForcePos coordinate as provided by the user, or to recenter the source position. Default is true.
For example, the following command will perform measurment in specified positions:
S=mextractor(S,'ForcePos',[512 512; 600 600],'OnlyForce',true);
Note that the output column name 'ISFORCE' indicate if the source originate from the ForcePos list, or found by mextractor.
Magnitude measurmemnts
mextractor supports several type of flux/magnitude estimate for sources, including, aperture photometry, PSF photometry and isophotal photometry.
Note that the PSF photometry is implemented in SIM/psf_phot, while the aperture photometry is in SIM/aper_phot. The magnitude output can be either im magnitude or luptitude units ('MagInLuptitude' and 'LuptSoft' input arguments), and the magnitude zero point is controlled via the 'ZP' input argument.
Isophotal flux and errors are stored in the FLUX_ISO and FLUXERR_ISO output columns, respectively. The user can specify the isophotal level (in units of the local background noise sigma) using the input argument 'PropThresh' (default is 1.5).
Background estimation
The image background is crucial for source detection and photometry. Small biases in the background can lead to false detection of sources and mis-detection of other sources.
The background image field is populated using the SIM/background method.
The background associated with each source is stored in the output columns. The user can get both the background estimated by the SIM/background method, and the annulys background estimated by SIM/aper_phot.
Cosmic rays detection
Bit masks and flags
mextractor use and populate the MASK image. First it can flag specific bits in the MASK image. For example, it looks for diffraction spikes, and mark pixels that are contaminated by diffraction spikes in the MASK image. Second it propagate the MASK image information into the output catalog. It collects all the bits that are found within FlagRadius argument from a source, and propagate them (using or operation) to the catalog FLAGS.
We note that the default mask bit definition of mextractor is in: @MASK.def_bitmask_pipeline. You can use the MASK method val2bitname to convert bit mask value to name.
You can get a logical flag image of pixels that have some bit masks on. The following example return a SIM object in which the Im field is a logical flag indicating if the MASK bits are either 'Bit_Spike 'or 'Bit_ImSaturated':
Comparison with SExtractor
To compare mextractor and SExtractor (REF), you can use the matlab sextractor function that calls SExtractor.
Source detection comparison
We note that in order to have a fair comparison we have to run SExtractor with the same PSF we used for mextractor. The sextractor function takes the PSF field from the SIM object and send it to SExtractor. In this example, we run SExtractor with detection threshold of 5sigma.
Now we can display the results
ds9.tile([2 1])
This example demonstrate that SExtractor did not find obvious sources in the image. The main reason for this is a bug in the definition of the detection threshold in SExtractor. This bug can be easily fixed by renormalizing the SExtractor sigma definition:
% Normalization for correcting the SExtractor bug
Norm = sqrt(sum(S.PSF(:).^2))
S=mextractor(S(1)); % running mextractor on the same image
ds9.tile([2 1])
In this example we locked the image coordinates of the two images. There are several important differences:
- It is possible to see that SExtractor missed some bright real sources, especially near bright sources. This is likely due to deblending issues - This can be fixed by changing the deblending arguments in SExtractor. However, there is not clear prescription on how to make it work for a wide range of conditions.
- SExtractor found some faint sources that are unreal (this can be verified by overlaying the SDSS sources). We speculate that this is due to inaccurate estimation of the background level and noise.
- If you will soom out and explore the region around M81, you will see that SExtractor found many fake sources in a ring around M81, and did not identify sources on top of the galaxy. This is likely due to the SExtractor background and noise estimation.
- Another important difference is that mextractor found the diffraction spikes of bright stars as multiple sources. In order to mitigate this problem, mextractor locate diffraction spikes using the find_diff_spikes function and flag this sources in two ways: First mextractor populate the MASK image field in the SIM object and flag diffraction spikes. Second, this mask bits are propogated into the catalog so sources on top of diffraction spikes can be removed.
The mextractor (right) and SExtractor (left) sources around M81:
Astrometry comparison
In order to compare the astrometry performences of mextractor with other tools we run it on two PTF images of the same field, matched the stars, register the images (always using the same procedure), and calculated the difference in X/Y position between the two images.
The results indicate that the astrometric precision of mextractor and SExtractor are identical to within the uncertanties.
% retrieve some PTF images using VO.PTF.wget_corrim
%VO.PTF.wget_corrim([100037 2],[],'JD',[celestial.time.julday([20 11 2012]), celestial.time.julday([23 11 2012])],'Filter','R','save','icp');
VO.PTF.wget_corrim([100037 2],[],'JD',[celestial.time.julday([20 11 2014]), celestial.time.julday([23 11 2014])],'Filter','R','save','icp');
% Read images to SIM arrays
% find stars
% align images
TranC = TranClass({@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunTiltXp,[],@FunTiltXn,[]}, {@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunTiltYp,[],@FunTiltYn,[] });
%ParDeg = [1 1;2 0;0 2;2 1;1 2];
%TranC = TranClass({@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunPolyChebyshev1XY,ParDeg}, {@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunPolyChebyshev1XY,ParDeg});
[S1a,FR] = align(S1,S2,'TranC',TranC); % note WCS of S1a is incorrect
% find stars in the aligned image
% match aligned catalogs
S1m = match(S1a,S2,'SkipWCS',true);
% difference in [X,Y] coordinates between the two images
DXY = S1m.Cat(:,1:2) - S2.Cat(:,1:2);
Mag = S2.Cat(:,20); % PSF mag
% do the same using SExtractor
% SExtractor can't work with NaNs
S1a = replace(S1a,[NaN NaN],nanmedian(S1a));
DXYs=S1sm.Cat(:,1:2) - S2s.Cat(:,1:2);
Mags = S2s.Cat(:,5); % aper mag.
Nm = size(S2.Cat,1);
Ns = size(S2s.Cat,1);
CC = zeros(0,5);
K = 0;
for Im=1:1:Nm
D = Util.Geom.plane_dist(S2.Cat(Im,1),S2.Cat(Im,2),S2s.Cat(:,1),S2s.Cat(:,2));
Id = find(D<2);
if (numel(Id)==1)
K = K + 1;
CC(K,:) = [DXY(Im,:), DXYs(Id,:), Mag(Im)];
nanmedian(Dm-Ds) % mextractor is a bit better: (19+/-5) mpix
axis([13 22 1e-3 1e0]);
%print MextractorAstrom.eps -depsc2
D1 = FITS.read_table('PTF_201411204943_c_d_scie_t115144_u023050379_f02_p100037_c02.ctlg');
D2 = FITS.read_table('PTF_201411205388_c_d_scie_t125555_u023050416_f02_p100037_c02.ctlg');
D1.ColCell{2} = 'XWIN_IMAGE';
D1.ColCell{3} = 'YWIN_IMAGE';
D1.ColCell{4} = 'ALPHAWIN_J2000';
D1.ColCell{5} = 'DELTAWIN_J2000';
D2.ColCell{2} = 'XWIN_IMAGE';
D2.ColCell{3} = 'YWIN_IMAGE';
D2.ColCell{4} = 'ALPHAWIN_J2000';
D2.ColCell{5} = 'DELTAWIN_J2000';
D1 = colcell2col(D1);
D2 = colcell2col(D2);
D1m = match(D1,D2);