The ds9 static class
in the astronomy & astrophysics toolbox for MATLAB
The ds9 is a static class to support interaction with the ds9 astronomical images viewer. This file is accessible through the manual package (i.e. manual.ds9). See also the FITS static class, and the SIM class.
If you are using this code or products in your scientific publication please give a reference to Ofek (2014; ascl.soft 07005).
Unless specified otherwise this code and products are released under the GNU general public license version 3.
See for installation instruction and additional documentation.
In addition use of this class require to install ds9 and the XPA messaging system:
ds9 intellation and instructions
Note about XPA
MATLAB is communicaing with ds9 via the XPA messaging system. For more information see: XPA documentation and instruction set.
Methods and examples
To see all the ds9 methods type "ds9." followed by <tab>. Detailed help is available for each function using the help or doc coomands:hh
help ds9.sdssnavi
Low level commands
For more advance users it may be useful sometimes to send some commands directly to ds9. You can use the commands ds9.system, ds9.construct_command, ds9.xpaset, ds9.xpaget, ds9.xpahelp.
Open ds9
Use to open the ds9 display:
while you can check if the ds9 dsiplay is open using:
and you can close the ds9 display using the ds9.exit command.
Display images
You can use the ds9 command to display an image in ds9 from matlab (the ds9 command is in fact the ds9 class constructor). The ds9 command can display images in stored in many formats (e.g., FITS file names, matrix, cubes, SIM objects). For example:
cd ~/matlab/images/
The ds9 command first check if there is an open ds9 window. If there is one, then the images will be displayed in the existing window, and if not it will opend a ds9 window and display the images. Each image will be displayed in its own frame.
You can also display matrix:
or a SIM object
The result of the last command:
Other options are available (e.g., list of files, cell array). See Util.files.create_list for additional options.
The ds9 command uses internally the ds9.disp command so additional options type:
help ds9.disp
You can control some of the dsiplay properties. For example, display an image into the next frame:
or display images into some buffers and change the zoom factor and colorbar setting:
ds9(S,[2 1],'Zoom',0.25,'Colorbar','yes')
Another related functions are ds9.load, ds9.load1, and ds9.url.
All the options available in the ds9 command (e.g., controling the scale, zscale, colormap, etc.) are also available as stand alone functions.
The ds9.frame command allow you to control the frame number.
For example:
% return the current frame number
% set the current frame to frame number 2
% set the frame to the first frame
You can also clear a frame by:
% clear current frame
% clear the second frame
or delete a frame:
Control the display
You can control the scale, colormap, colorbar, orientation, pan, rotation and zoom via the ds9.scale, ds9.cmap, ds9.colorbar, ds9.orient, ds9.pan, ds9.rotate, and ds9.zoom, respectively.
Note that in many of these functions there is a distinction between the absolute value and relative value. For example, zoom relative to current zoom and absolute zoom.
For exampe:
ds9.delete_frame(Inf) % delete all frames
ds9.frame(1) % absolute zoom
ds9.zoom('2') % relative zoom
ds9.zoom('to 0.2') % another way to indicate absolute zoom
The ds9.tile command can be used to control tile options:
ds9.tile([1 2]) % dispaly two tiles in a raw
You can match the properties of all frames to that of the current frame using the ds9.match_wcs, ds9.match_xy, ds9.match_scale, and ds9.match_scalelimits commands. You can also lock the properties of the frames in respect to each other using the ds9.lock_wcs, and ds9.lock_xy commands.
To print the current frame into a PostScript file:
Pixel data
In order to load the current ds9 image into matlab as a SIM object:
You can also read a box region into a matrix:
[MatV,MatX,MatY]=ds9.getbox([101 110 101 110]);
You can visualize the FITS imager header using:
Overlay plots and region files
A powerful property of ds9 is the ability to overlay symbols and text on the display. The function ds9.load_region,ds9.save_region and ds9.delete_region can be used to load existing ds9 region file, save a region file, and delete regions from the display, respectivelly.
The function ds9.write_region can be use to generate and write region files (but not load). The function has many options and it is recomended to read its help:
help ds9.write_region
Likely the most useful function is the ds9.plot command. The ds9.plot can call the ds9.write_region and ds9.load_region.
ds9.tile([1 1])
% plot a red circle in X=1000 Y=2000
You can use the ds9.plot command in many different ways and here we present only some of them:
% plot blue squares around some random points
The coordinate can be also an AstCat or SIM objects:
% read FITS images into a SIM object
% find sources and generate a acatalog in the SIM object
% plot all the entries in the catalog (sources) as white circles.
You can control the symbol shape size and coordinate format (see ds9.write_region help for details). For example:
Some other useful function to plot lines are ds9.line_xy and ds9.line_lt:
ds9.line_xy([356 400],[2000 2100],'Color','green')
Finally you can write text:
% or
Interactive examination
The ds9 class provide several function for interactive tools for the ds9 display.
The ds9.imexam function allows for interactive ds9 image examination, including flux cuts, aperture and PSF photometry, radial plot, surface plot, contour plot, moments, background estimation, and interaction with the SIM object and its catalog.
ds9.imexam is designed in the spirit of IRAF imexam.
% The ds9 cursor is now blinking and you are ready to inspect the image.
% you can click some mouse or keyborad keys while the cursor
% hover over the ds9 display.
% Type "h" to see the interactive options
After clicking "h" the following shotr help section will appear in the matlab screen:
% --- ds9.imexam Menu:
% q - Abort
% h - This help
% Left mouse click - recenter on mouse click
% Arrows - move cursor
% v - Plot vector cut between 2 points
% x,j - Plot vector cut along x axis
% y,i - Plot vector cut along y axis
% s - Surface plot around point
% c - Countour plot around point
% m - First and second moments
% r - Radial profile with centering
% R - Radial profile without centering
% a - Aperture photometry with centering
% A - Aperture photometry without centering
% p - PSF photometry with centering
% P - PSF photometry without centering
% b - Estimate local background and noise
% S - Return the nearest source found using mextractor
% e - Edit/set parameters (and show help for editing)
% Click h for help, q to abort
For example, you can move the cursor over a star and click "r" - this option will extract the region ariound the source, calculate its first moment and calculate a radial profile centered around the center of light. In addition some information will be displayed on the matlab screen. The "S" option will run SIM/mextractor to generate a source catalog and allow you to interactively inspect the catalog for the nearest source.
Many of the options have some free parameters (e.g., extraction radius, or aperture photometry diameter). You can set the value of these parameters using the key,val options, or epar command, or interactivel usinf the "e" interactive option. The later will ask you to write to the matlab screen the parameter value to use (e.g., "Radius=10"). See ds9.imexam help for details.
ds9.imexam also return a structure array (element per click) that contains all the retrieved data. For example, for the "r" option it will also return the values of the radial plot.
Additional interactive functions
The ds9.ginput function allow you to click on the ds9 display and get the X/Y or RA/Dec coordinates as well of the pixel value at the clicked position
ds9.getpos is a special case of ds9.ginput for X/Y positions only, while ds9.getcoo is for RA/Dec coordinates.
ds9.imark can be use dor interactively ploting symbols in ds9, ds9.iline for plotting lines, and ds9.ipoly for plotting polygons.
In response to a click on the ds9 display, the ds9.sdssnavi open a browser with the SDSS navigator for the clicked sky position.
ds9.nearestcat return the nearest source in a SIM object to the clicked position, while ds9.nearcat return all sources within a search radius.
ds9.simval can be used to get the SIM object images values for the clicked position.
To blink between ds frames you can use ds9.blink.