The TranClass class
in the astronomy & astrophysics toolbox for MATLAB
The TranClass is a class to support 2-D transformation for astronomical images.
This file is accessible through the manual package (i.e. manual.mextractor). Specifically, it can be used to represent an arbitrary 2-D transformation, to fit, apply and manipulate this transformation. TranClass contains some static methods and some methods.
If you are using this code or products in your scientific publication please give a reference to Ofek (2014; ascl.soft 07005).
Unless specified otherwise this code and products are released under the GNU general public license version 3.
See for installation instruction and additional documentation.
Transformation representation
Transformations in TranClass are represented as linear combinations of supported functions. Each functional can be multiplied by a coeficient called the function parameter.
Currently, the following functions are available:
- FunOne - A shift function.
- FunX - Function linear in X.
- FunY - Function linear in Y.
- FunXY - Function linear in X.*Y.
- FunTiltXp - Tip tilt function in X of the form: X.*(X+Y)
- FunTiltYp - Tip tilt function in Y of the form: Y.*(X+Y)
- FunTiltXn - Tip tilt function in X of the form: X.*(X-Y)
- FunTiltYn - Tip tilt function in Y of the form: Y.*(X-Y)
- FunPolyXY - General polynomials in X and Y.
- FunPolyChebyshev1XY - General Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind in X and Y.
- FunPolyChebyshev2XY - General Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind in X and Y.
TranClass has the folliowing properties:
Fun - This property contains for each dimension, the set of functions. This is a cell array of cell arrays. The first cell represents the dimension index while the second cell is for the functions. For example: {{@FunOne, @FunX},{@FunOne, @FunX, @FunY, @FunTiltXp}} represent the 2-D transformation:
X' = a_1 + a_2*X
Y' = b_1 + b_2*X + b_3*Y + b_4*X*(X+Y)
FunArg - Some functions requires arguments like the function order. This is a cell array of cell arrays that contains the functions arguments.
NPar - A cell array that contains the number of free parameters per function.
Par - Cell array of the parameters that multiply the functions (e.g., a_1, a_2).
ParErr - Cell array of the parameter errors.
Methods and examples
Use the method constructor TranClass to create a transformation:
TranC=TranClass({@FunOne,[],@FunPolyXY,[1 2;2 3]}, {@FunOne,[],@FunPolyXY,[1 3; 1 1]});
In this example the transformation is:
X' = a_1 + a_2*X*Y^2 + a_3*X^2*Y^3
Y' = b_1 + b_2*X*Y + b_3*X^3*Y
Constructing useful transformations
Constructing affine transformation:
TranC = TranClass({@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[]}, {@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[]});
Constructing affine + tip tilt transformation:
TranC = TranClass({@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunTiltXp,[],@FunTiltXn,[]}, {@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunTiltYp,[],@FunTiltYn,[] });
Construcing affine + 2nd deg Chebyshev:
ParDeg = [1 1;2 0;0 2;2 1;1 2];
TranC = TranClass({@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunPolyChebyshev1XY,ParDeg}, {@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunPolyChebyshev1XY,ParDeg});
Single function Evaulation
You can use the static method TranClass.evalfun to evaulate a single functional at some parameters:
% [Out,NPar]=TranClass.evalfun(@MyNewFun,[],'X',[1;1],'Y',[2;3],'Mag',[1;2]);
The design matrix
In order to evaluate or fit a full set of function we need to construct the design matrix.
The following example, define some transformation in X and Y, define some random coordinates and calculate the design matrix for X and Y.
TranC = TranClass({@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunPolyXY,[2 3;1 2]}, {@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[]})
X=rand(10,1); Y=rand(10,1);
Using the design matrix we can fit or evaluate the transformation.
Fit transformation
The method fit_transform can be used to fit transformation to data sets. The function has many options and full help is available via the help or doc commands. Here we show some simple examples:
% Read 2 FITS images into a SIM object
% extract sources
% match sources in the two images by coordinates
% prepare an array of matched sources
% define the transformation to fit
TranC = TranClass({@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunTiltXp,[],@FunTiltXn,[]}, {@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunTiltYp,[],@FunTiltYn,[] })
% Fit the transformation to the list of matched sources
%plot residuals:
%X vs ResX
plot(Res(2).Dim(1).Coo(Res(2).Flag), Res(2).Dim(1).Resid(Res(2).Flag),'.')
%Y vs. ResX
plot(Res(2).Dim(2).Coo(Res(2).Flag), Res(2).Dim(1).Resid(Res(2).Flag),'.')
% The rms vs. magnitude
%mark stars that were used for the best fit transformation
ds9(S(2)); ds9.plot([Res(2).Dim(1).Coo( Res(2).Flag ), Res(2).Dim(2).Coo( Res(2).Flag )]);
In this example Res(1) contain the transformation between the reference image and itself, while Res(2) contains the information regarding the transformation between the fisr and second images.
Apply the transformation
After the transformation is found one can apply ito images or catalogs. For example the SIM methods SIM/transform and SIM/align can be used to apply a transformation to SIM images.
The following example use the align function that uses the fit_transform and SIM/transform function to register images:
% Read two FITS images into a SIM object
% Extract the sources
% Define the transformation to use
% Note that this is the default transformation so in practice this is not needed
TranC = TranClass({@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunTiltXp,[],@FunTiltXn,[]}, {@FunOne, [],@FunX,[],@FunY,[],@FunTiltYp,[],@FunTiltYn,[] });
% fit the transformation and register the images
Additional methods
Som additional TranClass methods to manipulate the content of an object more easily are: populate_par and par2vector.
Two additional importnat functions are tranclass2poly and tranclass2PolynomialTransformation2D that can represent the TranClass object in the form of a general polynomials.