The SIM class (structured images)

in the astronomy & astrophysics toolbox for MATLAB


The SIM class is designed to store, access and manipulate images and their metadata.

This class contains a large number of methods to analyze and reduce astronomical images, from the most basic operations (e.g., arithmatic, bias, flat) to high-level functions (e.g., astrometry, registration and image subtraction).

The SIM class inherits from the WorldCooSys, HEAD, AstCat, MASK, and ClassPSF classes.

This file is accessible through the manual package (i.e. manual.HEAD).


If you are using this code or products in your scientific publication please give a reference to Ofek (2014; ascl.soft 07005).


Unless specified otherwise this code and products are released under the GNU general public license version 3.


See for installation instruction and additional documentation.


The SIM object is a strcture-array like object that may contain a large number of images. Each image is stored in a different element of the structure, and each element contains the properties listed below.

The SIM class inherits from the WorldCooSys, HEAD, AstCat, MASK, and ClassPSF classes.

Properties of the image class:

Properties inherited from the AstCat class:

Properties inherited from the HEAD and WorldCooSys classes:

Properties inherited from the MASK class:

Properties inherited from the ClassPSF class:

Methods and examples

To see all properties and methods of a SIM object, type "SIM." followed by <tab>.


The SIM constractor function can be used to generate an empty SIM object:

% constract a single elemnt SIM object


S =
  SIM with properties:

               Im: []
    ImageFileName: ''
           BackIm: []
            ErrIm: []
         WeightIm: []
              Cat: []
              Col: []
          ColCell: []
         ColUnits: []
         SortedBy: []
      SortedByCol: []
             Name: []
           Source: []
        Reference: []
          Version: []
           Header: {0×3 cell}
              WCS: []
         UserData: []
             Mask: []
          MaskDic: []
              PSF: []
           ErrPSF: []
           ParPSF: {}
           CooPSF: []

% constract a 2x1 SIM object


S =
  2×1 SIM array with properties:


% constrct a 3x2 SIM object


S =
  3×2 SIM array with properties:


Class managment

To check if an object belongs to the SIM class, you can use the isa function or the SIM.issim statcic method:


ans =



ans =

Note also that the isfield and isstruct functions works on SIM objects.

The following static methods can be used to get the various field names (properties):


ans = Im


ans = BackIm


ans = ErrIm


ans = Cat

% etc.

Read images

There are several ways to populate a SIM object with images, or read images into a SIM array.

The first is to populate the fields directly by accessing the fields:


% populate the SIM object with a scalar image:

S.Im = 1;

% alternatively:

S.(SIM.ImageField) = 1

S =
  SIM with properties:

               Im: 1
    ImageFileName: ''
           BackIm: []
            ErrIm: []
         WeightIm: []
              Cat: []
              Col: []
          ColCell: []
         ColUnits: []
         SortedBy: []
      SortedByCol: []
             Name: []
           Source: []
        Reference: []
          Version: []
           Header: {0×3 cell}
              WCS: []
         UserData: []
             Mask: []
          MaskDic: []
              PSF: []
           ErrPSF: []
           ParPSF: {}
           CooPSF: []

% populate the SIM image with some images:

S(1).Im = rand(5,5);

S(2).Im = ones(3,3)

S =
  1×2 SIM array with properties:


The second is to use the getters (under development).

% place holder

The third is to use special functions to pupulate a SIM object. For example, you can use the FITS static class method FITS.read2sim:


S =
  2×1 SIM array with properties:


This method have many options to read FITS files (see the FITS class manual for details).

Note that this function, by default, also populates the Header and WCS fields.

Write images

There are several ways to write SIM images into FITS or HDF5 files:

% write a SIM object field into a FITS file


% delete the file


The Header

Since the SIM class inherit from the HEAD class, all the methods available in the HEAD class are available here. Here we provide only a few basic examples (out of the very large number of methods), but a more comprehensive list is available in the manual.HEAD documentation:

% get key


ans =

% check key values


IsKeyVal =

% coordinates conversion:


RA =

Dec =

% get the JD of the images


ans =

Display images

The SIM class interact with the ds9 static class, so SIM images can be easily displayed into the ds9 window. For more details and example see manual.ds9.

Basic operators

Basic binary and unary operators (e.g., +, sin, mean) are overloaded for SIM objects. The basic methods that are being used in the implementation of this overloaded functions are: bfun2sim, ufun2sim, and ufun2scalar. Using these functions it is straightforward to implement and operation on SIM images. Note that these functions allows the user to control on which SIM fields the operators will be executed, the image sub region on which it will be executed, and how to treat the mask images.

Here are some high level examples:


S =
  2×1 SIM array with properties:


% add a scalar to each one of the images in the SIM array.

% Note that by default this will be added only to the Im field.


ans =
  2×1 SIM array with properties:


% while if you like to add 1 to the first SIM element and add 2 to the second:


ans =
  2×1 SIM array with properties:


% if you like to do so for the Im and BackIm fields:

Sn=bfun2sim(S,1,@plus,'ExecField',{SIM.ImageField, SIM.BackField});

% to see what happened


ans =


ans =

% An example for a unary operator


ans =
  SIM with properties:

               Im: [4096×2048 single]
    ImageFileName: ''
           BackIm: []
            ErrIm: []
         WeightIm: []
              Cat: []
              Col: []
          ColCell: []
         ColUnits: []
         SortedBy: []
      SortedByCol: []
             Name: []
           Source: []
        Reference: []
          Version: []
           Header: {374×3 cell}
              WCS: [1×1 struct]
         UserData: []
             Mask: []
          MaskDic: []
              PSF: []
           ErrPSF: []
           ParPSF: {}
           CooPSF: []

% An example for an operator that returns a scalar


ans =

% other operators

sin(S).^2 - tan(S) + mean(S)

ans =
  2×1 SIM array with properties:


% You can also execute logical operators on images


ans =
  2×1 SIM array with properties:


The (almost) full list of supported functions:

plus, minus, power ,power, mtimes, rdivide, ldivide, times, sqrt, uminus, uplus

abs, fix, floor, ceil, transpose, ctranspose, round

case, single, double, int8, int16, int32, uint8, uint16, uint32

gradient, del2

sin, cos, tan, acos, asin, atan2, atan, exp, log10, log

and, eq, ge, gt, le, lt, ne, not, or

angle, circshift, conj, conv2_fft, conv2, conv_fft2, fft2, fft, fftshift, filter, ifft, ifft2, ifftshift, imag, iradon, radon, real,

iqr, prctile, quantile, max, mean, median, min, mode, moment, nanmean, nanmedian, nanstd, rstdnansum, nanvar, skewness, sum, var

Summation of images can be done using coadd method which is further discussed below.

Image scaling can also be done using the scale method (see help for further details).

Bias subtraction

The Bias subtraction process involve identificationof bias images and or overscan regions, removal of bad bias images, constraction of a bias image, identifying bad pixels (based on the bias image), and subtraction of the bias. The SIM/debias method take care of all these steps:

% cd to a directory containing your nightly images



% or


% The following example don't trim the images from the overscan region:


Another example, with which fixes a bug in the P200/LFC header keyword:

% debias P200 LFC images

% cd /str1/eran/archive/P200/20111002_LFC/


S=trim_image(S,[1 1056 1 2063]); % fix bug in Header info

[Sbs,Bias,BiasOS,NIB,sum]=debias(S,[],'IsBiasPar',{'RN',[]},'FinalSec',[1 1024 1 2063]);

See help debias for options and list of output arguments.

Note that the second output argument contains the bias image, its Err image and weight image, as well as the mask image.

The bit mask default dictionary is defined in: MASK.def_bitmask_pipeline. The bias process generate 3 bit masks:

  1. Bit_BiasNoise0 - Flag pixels with very low noise, typically indicating dead pixels. Default noise is 0.01.
  2. Bit_BiasNoisy - Flag pixels with very high noise. Default is 4 times the mean of the the std in each pixel.
  3. Bit_BiasAnom - Anonalous bias level. Default is below 0.7 or above 1.3 of the mean bias level.

Next, we provide some examples related to the lower-level methods that are sometimes useful for more compliacted analysis:

The isbias function can be used to identify bias images and check their validity using several methods. The isbias function first attempt to identify bias images either by header keywords (specifically, the TYPE, IMTYPE, OBSTYPE, IMGTYP, IMGTYPE header keywords), or the file name, or using the image statistics. Then the bias images can be (optionally) validated against a reference bias image and/or the expected readnoise of the detector:


All the options are documented in the internal help of the function (help SIM/isbias).

The bias method can be used to create the bias image, while the bias_overscan can be used to calculate and remove, line by line, the overscan bias.

Flat correction

There are several functions intended to help with flat field generation and correction. The high level function that do it all is SIM/deflat. This function, can identify flat images, check their validity, create a flat image, identification of bad pixels, and correct all the images by the flat.

Additional low level functions include SIM/isflat to look for flat images and check their validity, and SIM/flat to correct the images by a given flat image.


% Here Sbs is a SIM array containing the bias subtracted images (see last step)


The flat correction step also look for bad pixels and update the mask image.

  1. Bit_FlatNaN - The pixel value is NaN (presuambly due to division by zero).
  2. Bit_FlatLowNim - The flat field pixel value is based on a small number of images (default is 4).
  3. Bit_FlatHighStd - The normzlied flat field scatter at this pixel have std larger than some threshold (default is 0.03).
  4. Bit_FlatLow - The normalized flat field level is lower than some threshold (default is 0.4).

Background and noise image

An important operation is background level and noise estimation. The main function that implement this capability is the background method. This function can use many algorithms. The default algorithm, which is the best based on our experience, is to fit a Gaussian to an histogram of the pixel values.



% The following will populate the BackIm and ErrIm felds in the SIM object



% an example for some options:

S=background(S,'Block',[256 256]);

% display the back and err images in ds9


eran     45792  0.0  0.0 214948 98552 pts/39   S    Jan17   3:58 ds9
ds9 is already open


eran     45792  0.0  0.0 214948 98556 pts/39   S    Jan17   3:59 ds9
ds9 is already open

Note that by default the background function does not subtract the background (only calcualte it).

You can subtract the background, by either:


% or


Source detection and photometry

You can perform source detection and photometry using the mextractor and sextractor methods.

For details see mextractor documentation in manual.mextractor.

A simple example:


Note that this operation will populate (if does not exist) the BackIm, ErrIm, MASK, PSF and Cat fields. Specifically, the Cat field will be populated with the extracted source catalog.

Cosmic ray identification

There are several approaches for cosmic ray identification - two methods that are supported are edge detection-like algorithms and specifically the van Dokkum (2001) Laplacian Edge Detection, and hypothesis testing. The hypothesis testing approach is fully supported in the mextractor code (see previou section), while the Laplacian Edge Detection is available in the SIM.crdetect_lacos function (see also ImUtil.Im.crdetect_lacos).





Photometric calibration using local standard stars

Photometric calibration using global standard stars

Relative photometry

Star flat field