The FITS static class
in the astronomy & astrophysics toolbox for MATLAB
The FITS is a static class that supports read, write and manipulation of Flexible Image Transport Files (FITS). FITS are commonly used astronomical image file format, and FITS utilities and standards are being developed by the FITS support office.
MATLAB has a full support of high level and low level FITS functions and can call the FITS/IO library. This static class provide additional high level functions.
This file is accessible through the manual package (i.e. manual.FITS).
We note that reading and writing FITS files is slow relative to simple arithmatic operations. This is one of the reasons why the philosophy of the image reduction tools in the astronomy and astrophysics toolbox is to use the in-memory SIM object. SIM object is simply a container for astronomical images and it can be associated with additional meta data like, header, WCS, catalogs, PSF, background image, noise image, weight image and mask image. The FITS static class support also reading FITS files into SIM objects.
We note that reading and writing HDF5 files is an order of magnitude faster than reading and writing FITS files, and it is useful to inspect this alternative. Support for this option is TBD.
If you are using this code or products in your scientific publication please give a reference to Ofek (2014; ascl.soft 07005).
Unless specified otherwise this code and products are released under the GNU general public license version 3.
See for installation instruction and additional documentation.
Methods and examples
Reading FITS images into SIM
The most basic operation is reading a FITS file:
The FITS.read2sim method can be used to read FITS files into SIM objects:
Various file input methods are supported. The first argument (the list of file names) is being parsed using the Util.files.create_list function (see help Util.files.create_list for details). For example, one can read file names listed in a file:
or use wild cards and number ranges (note that more than one digit range is supported):
% doen't work - need to fix bug!
or a cell array of files:
cd ~/matlab/images
[~,Cell] = Util.files.create_list('test_PTF*.fits',NaN)
One can also read FITS image sections:
S=FITS.read2sim('test_PTF*.fits','CCDSEC',[1 100 1 100]);
For details regarding additional options see help FITS.read2sim.
Reading FITS images into an array
The following example read a section of a FITS file into an array (the default is to read the entire image):
cd ~/matlab/images
[~,Cell] = Util.files.create_list('test_PTF*.fits',NaN){1},[],[11 11],[70 70]);
or you can read a list of FITS images (with the same size) into a cube, where the first dimension is the image index.
The function FITS.fitsread call the internal matlab FITS file reader.
Read FITS tables
You can use FITS.read_table to read FITS tables.
Writing FITS images
You can use FITS.fitswrite, FITS.write and FITS.write_old to write FITS images. For example:
!rm TryTry.fits
The header
There are several functions for reading, editing and manipulating FITS headers and keywords. To read the FITS header (only) into an HEAD object (see separate documentation):
The FITS.head command can be used to display the FITS header of a single file (either a file or an HEAD object):
We note that the HEAD class provide many more powerfull functions to work with header information.
The function FITS.num_hdu return the number of header data units (HDU) available ina FITS file.
Keywords manipulation
To read specific keywords directly from the FITS header:
The function FITS.mget_keys can be used to read FITS header keywords from multiple FITS files:
You can also write new keywords to a FITS header using FITS.write_keys, and the functions FITS.get_sip and FITS.get_tpv can be used to read the specific WCS keywords from a FITS header.
Additional functions
There are several other functions FITS.cellhead_* which can be used to manipulate the 3 column cell array in which the FITS header is stored.