Marvin Edelman - Curriculum Vitae

Born, New York City
Graduated, Bronx High School of Science

Higher Education
1961 B.A. (Biology); - Yeshiva Univ., NY
B.H.L. (Hebrew Lett.); - Yeshiva Univ., NY
Teacher's Diploma; - Yeshiva Univ., NY
1965 Ph.D. (Biology) - Brandeis University, Waltham, MA

1966 Cabot Moore Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
1967 American Cancer Society Research Fellow, Weizmann Inst. Science, Rehovot
1975 The Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
1983 Plant Hormone Laboratory, U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Beltsville, MD
1989 Plant Molecular Biology Lab., U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Beltsville, MD
1969 Scientist, Dept. Plant Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS)
1971 Senior Scientist, Department of Plant Genetics, WIS
1980 Associate Professor, Department of Plant Genetics, WIS
1984- Full Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, WIS
1985- Sir Siegmund Warburg Chair in Agricultural Molecular Biology, WIS
1972-81 Head, Graduate Biology Teaching Laboratories, WIS
1987-90 Head, Dobrin Center for Nutrition, WIS
1988-91 Head, Department of Biological Services, WIS

National and International Advisory Boards, Committees, Consultancies
1983-87 Founding Advisory Board: International Society for Plant Molec. Biol. (ISPMB)
1983-93 Advisory Committee: Germany-Israel Biotechnology Program
1984 Convener: 14th Katzir Conference: Plant Molecular Biology
1986 Scientific Advisor: Argonne National Laboratory Biotechnology Program
1988 Convener: 2nd International Congress, ISPMB
1989-94 Head: Israel Natl. Node of the Europ. Molec. Biol. Data Network (INN)
1993 Advisory Committee: France-Israel Program in Agricultural Biotechnology
1993-94 Scientific Advisor: Tzora Biotecnologies Inc., Lemna Project
1993-01 Advisory Committee: Intl Cooperation Among Nucleotide Sequence Databases
1994-97 Advisory Committee: Genome Resources. Israel Natl. Academy of Sciences
1994- National Science Delegate: European Molecular Biology Laboratory/Conference
1995 Organizing Committee: Israel-Hungary Conf. Plants and the Environmnt
1995-01 Chair, Advisory Committee: European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
1996- Head: Nat'l Center for Bioinformatic-Genetic Infrastructure, Israel Ministry Science
1996 Convener: 3rd Photosystem II Reaction Center Workshop, Avron Center Photosynth.
1997-01 Head: ICCBnet: Intl. Center for Cooperation in Bioinformatics (UNESCO)
1997 National Science Delegate: UNESCO 29th General Conference, Science sector, FR
1998 External Advisor: University of Waterloo, Bioinformatics Study Panel
1998- Advisory Committee: Agriculture according to Halacha, Israel Ministry of Agriculture
1999 Chair: ARO salinity and stress competitive grants panel, Israel Ministry Agriculture
1999-00 Scientific Consultant: Rhone-Poulanc Agro, FR
2000 National ScienceDelegate: Global Research Village III, OECD, NL
2000 Convenor: Israel-Turkey Conf. Plant Genetics and Molec. Biology, MOS/TUBITAK
2001 Prize Committee: ISPMB Developing Country Fellowships
2001- Scientific Consultant: AventisCropScience, FR

1982 Editor: Methods Chloroplast Molec. Biol. Elsevier, 1140p. (with RB Hallick, N-H Chua)
1989 Major Plenary Lecture: International Congress of Photosynthesis, Stockholm
1999 D.Sc. Honoris Causa: University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
2001 BARD 20-Year Review: Outstanding Research Citation (with AK Mattoo)

100 Research papers in the primary scientific literature (over 40 in Cell, Science, EMBO J, PNAS, JBC, J Mol Biol, Plant Physiol, Eur J Biochem)
40 Articles in the secondary scientific literature (invited reviews, book chapters, meeting proceedings)
6 Patent applications pending
4 Proteomics web tools in the public domain
150 Meeting abstracts and posters

MSc, PhD and Post Doctorial Supervision
Over 40 advanced degree students received their training under my supervision

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