B.Sc. in Chemistry, Limburg University, 1985; M. Sc. in Chemistry, U. of Antwerp, 1987; Ph.D., U. of Antwerp, 1991, all with highest honors. Postdoctoral work at NASA Ames Research Center (Moffett Field, CA) under drs. T. J. Lee and P. R. Taylor, and at San Diego Supercomputer Center (part of UCSD) under prof. P. R. Taylor. Returned to Belgium 1993; Habilitation, U. of Antwerp, 1994. Tenured appointment with National Science Foundation of Belgium, 1995. Sabbatical with Prof. Chava Lifshitz at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1996. Immigrated to Israel under Law of Return, 3 July 1996. Assistant Professor at Weizmann Institute of Science 1996-2001; Associate Professor with tenure, October 2001-October 2005; Full Professor, effective November 2005; incumbent of the Lady Thatcher Professorial Chair of Chemistry, September 2004-present. Head of Computational Quantum Chemistry research group in the Department of Organic Chemistry at Weizmann.
Author of about 185 published papers (primarily in Chemical Physics Letters, Journal of Chemical Physics, and Journal of Physical Chemistry A, as well as JACS) and several book chapters. Several awards, including Dirac Medal (WATOC, 2004); Prize of the Scientific Council (Weizmann Institute, 2001); Outstanding Young Scientist Award (Israel Chemical Society, 2000); Yigal Allon Fellowship (Israel, 1996-1999), and Five-Yearly Prize in Chemistry of the Belgian-American Educational Foundation ("Fondation Universitaire/Universitaire Stichting", Belgium, 1997).
Extraprofessional interests: contemporary history, Jewish studies, music (classical, jazz, progressive rock, metal), linguistics.
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