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Curriculum Vitae of Jan M.L. Martin
Name: Jan M.L. (Gershom) Martin. Israeli ID# (mispar zehut):
Born: Hasselt (Belgium), July 29, 1964 (20 Av 5724).
July 3, 1996 (16 Tamuz 5756).
Citizenship: Belgium (by birth), Israel (under the Law of Return).
Marital status: married to Wendy (Shoshana) Gardner. One daughter,
Aviva, born April 14, 1995 (14 Nisan 5755)
Home address:
Rehov Carmel 8 apt. 2, IL-76305 Rehovot, Israel. Telephone/FAX: +972(8) 946-4822.
Office address:
Department of Organic Chemistry, Kimmelman Building, Room 251, Weizmann
Institute of Science, IL-76100 Rehovot, Israel. Telephone: +972(8)934-2533.
FAX: +972(8)934-4142. eFax: +1(208)4454334
WWW home page:
Research center affiliations:
Scientific qualifications
Habilitation (University level teaching qualification), November
1994, University of Antwerp, Belgium (pass-or-fail degree).
[UMI ProQuest
Dissertations 9532332]
Doctorate in Chemistry (Ph.D.) February 1991, University
of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium, summa cum laude with congratulations of
the examination jury ("met de grootste onderscheiding en de gelukwensen
van de examencommissie", highest possible distinction in Belgium).
[UMI ProQuest
Dissertations 9129654]
Licentiate in Chemistry (M.Sc.) July 1987,
of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium, summa cum laude ("met de grootste
Candidate in Chemistry (B.Sc.) July 1985, Limburgs
Universitair Centrum, Diepenbeek, Belgium, summa cum laude ("met
de grootste onderscheiding")
Past and present positions
- Full Professor ("profesor min ha-minyan"), Department
of Organic Chemistry,
Weizmann Institute
of Science, Rehovot, Israel, effective November 2005.
Incumbent of the Lady Thatcher Professorial Chair of Chemistry,
Weizmann Institute
of Science, Rehovot, Israel, since September 2004.
- Associate Professor ("profesor haver") with tenure, Department
of Organic Chemistry,
Weizmann Institute
of Science, Rehovot, Israel, October 2001--October 2005.
Assistant Professor ("hoqer bakhir"), Department
of Organic Chemistry,
Weizmann Institute
of Science, Rehovot, Israel, October 1996-September 2001. Incumbent of
the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Career Development Chair.
Senior Research Associate ("Onderzoeksleider", a tenured research-only
faculty position) of the NFWO/FNRS (National
Science Foundation of Belgium), 1995-September 1999. On unpaid leave of
absence October 1996-September 1999.
Postdoctoral fellow ("Postdoctoraal onderzoeker") of the NFWO/FNRS, 1991-1995
Doctoral fellow ("Aspirant") of the NFWO/FNRS, 1987-1991
Fellowships other than positions
Yigal Allon Fellowship for New Immigrant Faculty (Council for Higher Education,
Israel), 1996-1999
Golda Meir Fellowship (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), 1996
National Research Council (NRC) Fellowship, 1992 (declined by recipient
because no simultaneous tenure with NFWO position permitted)
Fulbright-Hays scholarship for Research or Lecturing, 1992
NATO travel grant, 1992
Scientific honors and awards other than fellowships
- Dirac Medal of WATOC
(World Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists), 2004.
- Prize of the Scientific Council in Chemical Sciences
(pras ha-mo`atza ha-mada`it le-mad`ei ha-khimia), Weizmann
Institute of Science, 2001.
- Outstanding Young Scientist Award (pras la-mad`an ha-tzair ha-mitztayen) of the Israel Chemical Society, 1999-2000 (Hebrew Year 5759).
Five-yearly Prize in Chemistry of the Belgian-American Educational Foundation
(Fondation Universitaire/Universitaire Stichting), 1997.
University of Antwerp Bi-Annual Research Prize, 1994
Prize for Scientific Monographs of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Literature,
and Fine Arts (Belgium), 1992
Jean-Servais Stas prize of the Royal Academy, 1991.
2nd prize in "DSM-contest for Chemistry and Technology", Geleen, The Netherlands,
Essochem-prize for chemistry students, 1987
Scientific community service
- Member of the editorial board of Spectrochimica Acta A: Molecular
Frequent reviewer for Journal of Chemical Physics, Chemical Physics Letters, and Journal of
Physical Chemistry A, and Journal
of the American Chemical Society;
reviewer for Molecular Physics, SCIENCE,
Journal of Computational Chemistry,
Journal of Molecular Structure,
and several other journals.
External reviewer of proposals for several domestic and foreign granting agencies.
Invited member of Chemistry Evaluation Panel for Fundação
para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese National Science and
Technology Foundation), Lisbõa, 1998.
- Member of IUPAC Task Group Selected Free Radicals and Critical Intermediates: Thermodynamic Properties from Theory and Experiment (2000-2003, renewed 2004-2006).
Administrative duties
About 185 published research articles in international scientific journals,
and several invited review articles in books. Click here
for a comprehensive list of scientific publications.
Professional memberships
American Chemical Society
American Physical Society
Israel Chemical Society
World Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists (life member)
Other professional skills
According to US Foreign Service Institute scale: S-1=survival; S-2=basic working knowledge; S-3=professional working knowledge; S-4=full professional proficiency; S-5=Native speaker or equivalent proficiency.
Comprehension |
Speaking |
Writing |
Dutch (Nederlands) |
S-5 |
S-5 |
S-5 |
English |
S-5 |
S-5 |
S-5 |
French (Français) |
S-4 |
S-3 |
S-3 |
Hebrew (Ivrit) |
S-4 |
S-3+ |
S-2 |
German (Deutsch) |
S-4 |
S-3- |
S-2 |
Some passive knowledge of Italian, classical Latin, and Yiddish.
experienced Fortran programmer; notions of Pascal, C, and Perl.
- System administration: Unix and derived systems (Linux, Mac OS X)
- Linux cluster computing
experience as acting systems and network administrator for an entire university
campus (Unix, Macintosh)
HTML (World Wide Web) authoring
scientific typesetting (LaTeX)
References available upon request.
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