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Curriculum Vitae of Jan M.L. Martin



Name: Jan M.L. (Gershom) Martin. Israeli ID# (mispar zehut): 3-1396890-1.
Born: Hasselt (Belgium), July 29, 1964 (20 Av 5724). Aliya: July 3, 1996 (16 Tamuz 5756).
Citizenship: Belgium (by birth), Israel (under the Law of Return).
Marital status: married to Wendy (Shoshana) Gardner. One daughter, Aviva, born April 14, 1995 (14 Nisan 5755)

Home address:

Rehov Carmel 8 apt. 2, IL-76305 Rehovot, Israel. Telephone/FAX: +972(8) 946-4822.

Office address:

Department of Organic Chemistry, Kimmelman Building, Room 251, Weizmann Institute of Science, IL-76100 Rehovot, Israel. Telephone: +972(8)934-2533. FAX: +972(8)934-4142. eFax: +1(208)4454334
Email: WWW home page: .

Research center affiliations:

Scientific qualifications


Past and present positions

Fellowships other than positions

Scientific honors and awards other than fellowships

Scientific community service

Administrative duties


About 185 published research articles in international scientific journals, and several invited review articles in books. Click here for a comprehensive list of scientific publications.

Professional memberships

Other professional skills


According to US Foreign Service Institute scale: S-1=survival; S-2=basic working knowledge; S-3=professional working knowledge; S-4=full professional proficiency; S-5=Native speaker or equivalent proficiency.

Comprehension Speaking Writing
Dutch (Nederlands) S-5 S-5 S-5
English S-5 S-5 S-5
French (Français) S-4 S-3 S-3
Hebrew (Ivrit) S-4 S-3+ S-2
German (Deutsch) S-4 S-3- S-2

Some passive knowledge of Italian, classical Latin, and Yiddish.



References available upon request.
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